
Sharing Economies

I will try to create a basic understanding about the fundamentals of "Sharing Economies" which have risen up with the rapid development of digital marketing and information technologies. The term of sharing economy is also used as "Shareconomy", "Collaboative Economy", "Peer to Peer Economy", "P2P Economy", and "Relationship Economy". "What is mine is yours!" becomes its motto after Rachel Botsman's bestseller book "What is mine is yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption" published in 2010. Sharing economies allow individuals to make money from their underused assets. In this way, physical assets are shared as services. Sharing economies turn our world to be more affordable and easier. It can also be said that shareconomy bring people luxury with a cheaper way. On the diagram, you can see how common sharing economies are used. There are interesting and attractive platforms as f